by Kelly Dean Hansen, Ph.D., Musicology

These distinctive real-time listening guides to the works
of German Romantic composer Johannes Brahms have been my life’s work and labor of love.
The original conception dates to 2004, and versions of the
earliest guides were on the internet as early as December 21,
2005. As of May 3, 2024,
there are guides for all 122 opus numbers, marking a
milestone. I intend to do revisions (some more major than
others) on older guides, primarily those from 2008-09.
Works without opus number, such as the Hungarian Dances and folk
song arrangements, may also be gradually added, indexed from
another page. By nature, the guides are
recording-specific, but they can be adapted to any recording of
the given works by simply changing the timings. You may email me with any
comments or requests. My inbox tends to fill (this is an
old university email account), and if I do not respond within a
few days, please message again. The Spotify playlist below
includes all recordings used for the guides (the notes on the
playlist have been edited to reflect changes in the past ten
years). Please see the important note at the bottom of the
page for some information on a recent recording change for the
solo songs. All updates, including the previous notes at
the head of the page, have been moved to the archive linked at
the bottom of the page.
but there remain expenses for hosting and the domain renewal,
and donations via the PayPal link below ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED
AND GREATLY APPRECIATED, particularly if you have any
requests. For citations, the author should be given as “Hansen, Kelly Dean.”
The website title should be given as “Listening Guides to the Works of Johannes Brahms.”
Opus 1: Piano Sonata #1 in C
Major [December 21, 2005--REVISED March 26, 2010]
2: Piano Sonata #2 in F-sharp Minor [December 21,
2005--REVISED January
24, 2010]
Opus 3: Six Songs (Gesänge) [December 21,
December 26, 2012]
Opus 4: Scherzo for Piano in E-flat Minor
[September 16, 2014]
Opus 5: Piano Sonata #3 in F Minor [March
4, 2013]
Opus 6: Six Songs
(Gesänge) [April 29,
Opus 7: Six Songs
(Gesänge) [May 8, 2021]
Opus 8: Piano Trio #1 in B Major
(original 1854 version) [January 23, 2020]
Opus 8: Piano Trio #1 in B Major (revised
1889/91 version) [January 23, 2020]
Opus 9: Variations on a Theme of Robert
Schumann for Solo Piano [June 30, 2010]
Opus 10: Four Ballades for Piano [March
31, 2015]
Opus 11: Serenade
#1 in D Major for Large Orchestra [May 3, 2024] NEW!! (Last
opus number to be added)
Opus 12: Ave Maria for Four-Voice
Women’s Chorus and Orchestra or Organ [October 14, 2008]
Opus 13: Begräbnisgesang (Burial Song)
for Chorus and Wind Instruments [August 28, 2008]
Opus 14: Eight Songs and Romances
(Lieder und Romanzen) [September 6, 2008]
Opus 15:
Piano Concerto #1 in D Minor [February 17, 2022]
Opus 16:
Serenade #2 in A Major for Small Orchestra [March 8, 2024]
Opus 17: Four Partsongs (Gesänge)
for Women’s Chorus with Two Horns and Harp [November 13, 2008]
Opus 18: String
Sextet #1 in B-flat Major (includes arrangement of second movement
for piano) [November 13, 2008]
Opus 19: Five Songs (Gedichte--Poems)
[January 23, 2009]
Opus 20: Three Duets for Soprano and
Alto [February 7, 2006--REVISED March 28, 2011]
Opus 21, No. 1: Variations on an
Original Theme for Piano [January 31, 2009]
Opus 21, No. 2: Variations on a
Hungarian Song for Piano [January 31, 2009]
Opus 22: Marienlieder (Marian Songs) for
Mixed Chorus [August 24, 2009]
Opus 23:
Variations on a Theme of Robert Schumann for Four-Hand Piano
[March 1, 2022]
Opus 24: Variations and Fugue on a Theme
of G. F. Handel for Piano [November 23, 2009]
Opus 25: Piano Quartet #1 in G Minor
[July 9, 2009]
Opus 26: Piano Quartet #2 in A Major
[May 31, 2013]
Opus 27: Psalm 13 for Three-Voice
Women’s Chorus and Organ [October 28, 2009]
Opus 28: Four Duets for Alto and
Baritone [August 15, 2009]
Opus 29: Two Motets for Five-Voice Mixed
Chorus [March 27, 2019]
Opus 30: Geistliches Lied (Sacred
Song) for Mixed Chorus and Organ [October 14, 2008]
Opus 31: Three Quartets for Soprano,
Alto, Tenor, and Bass [October 24, 2008]
Opus 32: Nine Songs (Lieder und Gesänge)
to Texts by Platen and Daumer [September 15, 2009]
Opus 33:
Fifteen Romances from L. Tieck's
(Song Cycle) [August 12, 2006--REVISED September 15, 2009]
Opus 34: Piano Quintet in F Minor
[January 7, 2014]
Opus 34b: Sonata for Two Pianos in F
Minor (after the Piano Quintet) [January 9, 2014]
Opus 35: Variations on a Theme of
Paganini (Studies for Piano) [January 9, 2009]
Opus 36: String Sextet #2 in G Major
[August 4, 2014]
Opus 37: Three Sacred Choruses
(Geistliche Chöre) for Four-Voice Women’s Chorus [September 26,
Opus 38: Cello Sonata #1 in E Minor
[July 11, 2013]
Opus 39: Sixteen Waltzes for Piano Duet
or Piano Solo (All Versions) [November 4, 2008]
Opus 40: Trio for
Piano, Violin, and Horn in E-flat Major (“Horn Trio”) [September
15, 2023]
Opus 41: Five Partsongs (Lieder) for
Four-Voice Men’s Chorus [May 31, 2008]
Opus 42: Three Partsongs (Gesänge) for
Six-Voice Mixed Chorus [January 2, 2006--REVISED August 19, 2009]
Opus 43:
Four Songs (Gesänge) [June 29, 2006--REVISED January 25, 2010]
Opus 44: Twelve Songs and Romances
(Lieder und Romanzen) for Four-Voice Women’s Chorus with
(Optional) Piano Accompaniment [June 23, 2012]
Opus 45: Ein Deutsches Requiem (A German
Requiem) to Words of Holy Scripture for Two Soloists, Chorus, and
Orchestra [December 26, 2008]
Opus 46: Four
Songs (Gesänge) [August 29, 2021]
Opus 47: Five Songs (Lieder) [June 10,
Opus 48: Seven
Songs (Lieder) [July 5, 2021]
Opus 49: Five Songs (Lieder) [February
26, 2014]
Opus 50: Rinaldo, Cantata for
Tenor Solo, Male Chorus, and Orchestra [September 17, 2013]
Opus 51, No. 1: String Quartet #1 in C
Minor [March 31, 2017]
Opus 51, No. 2: String Quartet #2 in A
Minor [March 31, 2017]
Opus 52: Liebeslieder Waltzes for Vocal
Quartet and Piano Duet [April 15, 2010]
Opus 53: Rhapsody for Alto, Male Chorus,
and Orchestra [September 18, 2009]
Opus 54:
Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny) for Chorus and Orchestra [October
6, 2023]
Opus 55: Triumphlied (Song of Triumph)
from Revelation Chapter 19 for Eight-Voice Chorus, Baritone
Soloist, and Orchestra [September 22, 2012]
Opus 56a:
Variations on a Theme of Joseph Haydn for Orchestra [November 10,
Opus 56b:
Variations on a Theme of Joseph Haydn for Two Pianos [November 10,
Opus 57: Eight Songs (Lieder und Gesänge)
to Texts by G. F. Daumer [August 28, 2008]
Opus 58: Eight Songs (Lieder und
Gesänge) [November 7, 2009]
Opus 59: Eight Songs (Lieder und
Gesänge) [February 20, 2009]
Opus 60: Piano
Quartet #3 in C Minor [January 4, 2023]
Opus 61: Four
Duets for Soprano and Alto [September 9, 2023]
Opus 62: Seven
Partsongs (Lieder) for Mixed Chorus [March 25, 2020]
Opus 63:
Nine Songs (Lieder und Gesänge) [July 15, 2006--REVISED November
7, 2009]
Opus 64: Three
Quartets for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass [December 6, 2023]
Opus 65: New Liebeslieder Waltzes for
Vocal Quartet and Piano Duet [October 24, 2008]
Opus 66: Five Duets for Soprano and Alto
[September 15, 2009]
Opus 67: String
Quartet #3 in B-flat Major [March 18, 2021]
Opus 68: Symphony #1 in C Minor [March
26, 2010]
Opus 69: Nine Songs (Gesänge) [April 3,
70: Four Songs (Gesänge) [September 11, 2008]
Opus 71: Five Songs (Gesänge) [May 30,
Opus 72: Five Songs (Gesänge) [June 15,
Opus 73: Symphony #2 in D Major [January
29, 2010]
Opus 74: Two Motets for Mixed Chorus
[June 30, 2009]
Opus 75: Four Ballads and Romances
(Balladen und Romanzen) for Two Voices and Piano [March 28, 2011]
Opus 76: Eight Piano Pieces
(Klavierstücke) [November 26, 2008]
Opus 77: Violin Concerto in D Major
[February 9, 2009]
Opus 78: Violin Sonata #1 in G Major
[September 1, 2009]
Opus 79: Two Rhapsodies for Piano
[August 13, 2014]
Opus 80: Academic Festival Overture
[June 12, 2013]
Opus 81: Tragic Overture (D Minor)
[October 14, 2008]
Opus 82: Nänie for Chorus and Orchestra
[April 25, 2014]
Opus 83: Piano Concerto #2 in B-flat
Major [February 23, 2019]
Opus 84: Five Romances and Songs
(Romanzen und Lieder) for One or Two Voices [June 26, 2006--REVISED
February 28, 2019]
Opus 85: Six Songs (Lieder) [August 18,
Opus 86: Six Songs (Lieder) for Low
Voice [November 20, 2008]
Opus 87: Piano
Trio #2 in C Major [March 17, 2024]
Opus 88: String Quintet #1 in F Major
[July 21, 2009]
Opus 89: Gesang der Parzen (Song of the
Fates) for Six-Voice Chorus and Orchestra [February 26, 2009]
Opus 90: Symphony #3 in F Major [August
31, 2019]
Opus 91: Two Songs (Gesänge) for Alto
with Viola and Piano [April 8, 2019]
Opus 92: Four Quartets for Soprano,
Alto, Tenor, and Bass [June 26, 2009]
Opus 93a: Six Songs and Romances
(Lieder und Romanzen) for Four-Voice Mixed Chorus [October 14,
Opus 93b: Tafellied--“Dank der Damen”
(“The Ladies’ Toast”), Glee for Six-Voice Mixed Chorus and Piano
[June 26, 2009]
Opus 94: Five
Songs (Lieder) for Low Voice [December 25, 2023]
Opus 95: Seven
Songs (Lieder) [September 30, 2022]
Opus 96: Four Songs (Lieder) [January 12,
Opus 97: Six Songs (Lieder) [September
26, 2008]
Opus 98: Symphony #4 in E Minor [June
17, 2009]
Opus 99: Cello Sonata #2 in F Major
[January 26, 2013]
Opus 100: Violin Sonata #2 in A Major
[February 9, 2006--REVISED July
11, 2009]
Opus 101: Piano Trio #3 in C Minor
[October 2, 2008]
Opus 102: Double Concerto for Violin
and Cello in A Minor [June 30, 2020]
Opus 103: Eleven
Zigeunerlieder (Gypsy Songs) for Vocal Quartet (with eight solo
voice arrangements) [September 11, 2022]
Opus 104: Five Partsongs (Gesänge) for
Mixed Chorus [December 28, 2008]
Opus 105: Five
Songs (Lieder) for Low Voice [January 27, 2021]
Opus 106: Five Songs (Lieder) [January
10, 2006--REVISED June 5, 2010]
Opus 107: Five
Songs (Lieder) [July 18, 2021]
Opus 108: Violin Sonata #3 in D Minor
[March 28, 2007--REVISED September
1, 2009]
Opus 109: Fest-
und Gedenksprüche (Festival and Commemorative Sentences) for
Eight-Voice Mixed Chorus [August 19, 2023]
Opus 110: Three Motets for Four- and
Eight-Voice Mixed Chorus [August 19, 2009]
Opus 111: String Quintet #2 in G Major
[September 29, 2009]
Opus 112: Six
Quartets for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass, including Four
Zigeunerlieder [November 16, 2022]
Opus 113:
Thirteen Canons for Women’s Voices [September 27, 2021]
Opus 114: Trio
for Piano, Clarinet, and Cello in A Minor (“Clarinet Trio”)
[November 7, 2022]
Opus 115:
Clarinet Quintet in B Minor [June 26, 2021]
Opus 116: Seven
Fantasies (Fantasien) for Piano [April 18, 2022]
Opus 117: Three Intermezzi for Piano
[April 2, 2011]
Opus 118: Six Piano Pieces
(Klavierstücke) [December 28, 2005--REVISED August 3, 2009]
Opus 119: Four Piano Pieces
(Klavierstücke) [August 3, 2009]
Opus 120, No. 1: Clarinet (or Viola)
Sonata #1 in F Minor [November 23, 2012]
Opus 120, No. 2: Clarinet (or Viola)
Sonata #2 in E-flat Major [December 26, 2012]
Opus 121: Four Serious Songs (Vier
ernste Gesänge) for Bass Voice and Piano [May 31, 2010]
Opus 122: Eleven Chorale Preludes for
Organ (posthumous) [April 8, 2014]
posting of the LAST solo song guide, I have felt compelled
to change the recordings used for all of the songs, as the
Fischer-Dieskau/Barenboim DG recordings have been
unavailable on the Spotify playlist since 2018. The
playlist itself will be updated in the next 24 hours.
Please read my LONG and detailed explanation HERE.
All guides copyright 2004-2024
by Kelly Dean Hansen. Feel free to use them in any way,
but please give me credit.